December is typically a significant month of endings and beginnings, but especially so this year. According to the Mayan calendar (and many others), December 21, 2012 marks the ending of one big earthly cycle, and enters into a new one – the ending of the world as we know it, and the beginning of a new age of consciousness and global awareness…

Let’s hope that is so!

“It is a chance to come together as one humanity and bring us all to a place of unity. We must now work to play a part in what is to come.”  SOURCE: Gold Coast Bulletin 2012-12-21

To me, a large part of that movement to a place of unity has to do with each one of us doing our part  – to be kind, generous and loving  – to ourselves and then to others…

In the wake of the tragic events in Newtown, CT, I have been struck about the global response of love, support and compassion.  Someone sent me a wonderful set of photos that celebrate the many acts of kindness that happen despite these horrifi events:


This series of photos captures the human spirit of giving and generosity, reminding us that despite the bad things that happen, there is a lot of goodness and positivity that is always present and pervasive as well.

A recent blog by Dr. Lisa Firestone in The Huffington Post on-line addresses the subject of generosity:

“Generosity is no longer the selfless act we’ve long thought it to be. Studies now suggest that one of the biggest benefactors of generosity is the person who is dishing it out.”

To see the whole blog, click here: 


I am particularly struck by the ending lines of the blog:

“Yet, what we tend to overlook is that by actually slowing down, focusing outward and noticing what other people need, we are often doing ourselves a real service by engaging in the one activity that will dramatically improve the quality of our lives.”

In teaching Emotional Intelligence skills, I concentrate on the importance and positive benefits of finding that connection with yourself and then being able to reach out to others.

In that spirit, I will wish you all much joy, peace and fulfillment as you enter into this time of giving – may you carry that through and forward into the New Year…

And, next month, we’ll talk about the receiving end of things…

Take care, Ingrid